Rafael González Val (Zaragoza, 1981) is an assistant doctorate professor at the Department of Economic Analysis at Universidad de Zaragoza His work has focused on the empirical analysis of urban growth: the development patterns of cities, particularly in the United States, and why some grow more than others. He has also analyzed the influence of changes in the law on divorce rates in the United States and some European countries, as well as their trends over time.
The aim of this project is to analyze the relationship between the number of divorces and marriages in Spain and the economic cycle, using statistical data and information, combined with rigorous econometric models. This is done by gathering statistical information through constructing a data panel at provincial level that covers at least the last 15 years. In this way an express analysis can be carried out of the possible impact of the recent economic crisis. Linear regression models can then be used to test the hypothesis of psychosocial stress and that of the cost of divorce. The results obtained allow one of the hypotheses to be rejected and test the behavior of the marriage and divorce patters of Spanish people, a question of profound economic, social and demographic implications.