Fulvio Amato (Palermo, Italy, 1981) is a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva researcher at Instituto de Diagnóstico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Barcelona.
He has participated on national and international projects of great interest for public health, such as the influence of urban pollution on the cognitive development of children and the quality of air we breathe in the metro. Currently his chief area of research is into traffic emissions, which are still the main source of pollution of the urban atmosphere.
He is an external reviewer for the US Environmental Protection Agency.
His ‘Eco-BRAKE’ project will investigate alternative materials to those used today for the manufacture of automobile brake pads.
Exhaust emissions have been reduced thanks to the new regulations, but the emissions due to the wear and tear of brakes, tires and paving, which are rich in toxic components, are not regulated, and have become one of the main problems. This project will carry out the first emission tests on new brake pads.