Amanda SierraAmanda Sierra Saavedra (Madrid, 1977) runs the Laboratorio de Biología Celular Glial of the Achúcarro Basque Center for Neuroscience.
He has studied microglia since 2004, first at Rockefeller University, then at Stony Brook University, New York, and Baylor College of Medicine, and since 2011 at the Achúcarro Center.
The microglia absorb cells subject to programmed death, thus protecting the brain tissues and preventing inflammation.
Their activity is blocked in epilepsy and the project aims to test a series of pre-approved components for use in patients with the aim of testing their phagocyte effectiveness (less accumulation of apoptotic cells and inflammation) and rule out possible side-effects, which in the medium term could generate new therapies for epilepsy.